Friday, April 11, 2008


I am so tired today! Possibly because I stayed up until 1am reading Further Adventures of a London Call Girl (the title is misleading as she quits about two pages into the book). I do like Belle de Jour, but I'm annoyed with her at the moment (in this book I mean), because she's still with her boyfriend, even though she knows for a fact that he's going out with at least two other girls at the same time as her - because she loves him. I know love etc is very complicated, but I just want to go and shake her bony little shoulders and tell her to dump the idiot. Anyway...

I think my new vitamin pills have done something funny to me. My imagination seems more vivid since I've been taking them. OK, that has meant that I've been crying over TV shows alot, and having vivid dreams about dogs with cancer, but it's good news in terms of my writing. Perhaps there is something to this 'healthy eating' lark.

Have been working on my Calyspo story - think I have found my angle at last! All I have to do is write the damn thing now. And I've been plotting a short story that's related to Dorcas Grubb (which I'm not allowed to write until 1st November 2008), about her little sister Tabitha, when she's all grown up. Nox is currently walking through the snow trying not to freeze to death on her way to meet The Maiden (all Inter Vivos stuff - makes sense to me at least!), which means my novel is moving ever onwards to the point where I can finally type 'The End'.

Feeling less blue now than I was at the beginning of the week. Still can't think about my audition without cringing, but I guess life is made up of incidents like that. Just push them to the back of my mind and get on with something more positive!

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