Monday, August 21, 2006

Youths -update

Over the weekend I've written a couple of scenes for the untitled play about some teenagers hanging around outside a corner shop. So far so good. I've written what could be the opening, and also a scene where my two main characters allude to the abortion one of the kids has had recently. The characters I'm working with so far are: Naomi, the 'romantic heroine' as it were; Jase, her beloved; Mouse, a timid boy with a substance abuse problem; Sandie, Naomi's brother; Brick, Naomi's best friend; and Whitby, Brick's love interest and sort-of leader of the group. I'm also trying to figure out how I can set fire to a lynx can on stage (and turn it into a mini flame-thrower) without damaging the actors and the set and giving the stage crew heart attacks. Well, I suppose if I write it, then it's up to the director and safety marshalls to figure that out. Ha ha!


Sabrina Mei-Li Smith said...

wow! The idea that you have going on this play sounds really compelling! I like the ideas of the differnt characters - but be careful to distinguish them clearly for your audience! And remember - if Sarah Kane could get away with the rats...

Alex said...

I'm looking forward to reading more of this.