Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Being Lazy

Hi there y'all,

I am in an incredibly lazy mood at the moment, and seem to be stuck in a rut. My house is a complete sty, and I've not written anything for about a week, due I think to being tired and still adjusting to my new job and new routine. In my old job, I could write at lunchtimes, but I've not been able to yet where I am here. I know that's not much of an excuse, but there it is.
I've been up in Blackpool for work, and it was extremely windy and cold, and deserted. I was able to mull on a couple of ideas inspired by my location, but didn't have a lot of free time to execute them.
I am going to try to get motivated again soon. Guess everyone has peaks and troughs, right?
By the way, in case you were wondering, I decided to read The Glass Book of the Dream Eaters and am currently about half way through. 'Tis good so far, though has very long chapters, which isn't a good thing when you want to read a chapter before you go to bed.

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