Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Making Headway

I've been thinking lately about my Dorcas Grubb story. Seeing how it is set in Leicester, just wandering about the city inspires new characters and plot devices. It's all very exciting. I also had this great idea of developing Dorcas as a graphic novel (perhaps I've been reading Neil Gaiman too much), but I think it would work really well - it's basically an adventure fantasy story, with some really weird, sinister characters in it. However, my drawing skills never matured past the age of eight, and so I think I will continue to write the story in novel format, and then if when it is done I'm skill keen on the idea, then I will try to find some artists.
I am really enjoying mulling this idea around in my brain, and it's great because nothing is fixed yet (well, not really), and so I can alter plot and characters and philosophy at whim, and it is all now starting to swirl into something that I think, when it's finished, will be very cool indeed.

I have also completed the prologue and the first three chapters of Inter Vivos. I may, of course, need to revise them when the whole novel is written, but for now, they are pretty much as good as I can get them. I have also (drum roll ready) worked out how Inter Vivos is going to end. This is extremely exciting, because now I have something to aim for, rather than just writing randomly to see where it leads (which in my case was nowhere fast).

It's all coming together, and although there's still a long way to go, I feel a lot better about everything now.

I am currently re-reading Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, and have made the monumental decision not to begin re-reading the HP books again straight afterwards (yes, I am feeling ok, thanks for your concern!). Instead I am going to read one of the several new books I received/bought myself over Christmas. Only problem is trying to decide which one to read first...


morphean ramble said...

read your porn

Lucy Ann Wade said...

Belle De Jour is not porn! Well, not really.

Alex said...

bell de jaw

morphean ramble said...

belle n d'jour